How do I know when my books are due back?


Colchester, Loughton : All books borrowed at Colchester and Loughton will now automatically renew for one year. This includes books from the Student Collection marked 7 day loan.

This means books on loan to you will renew automatically unless:

they have been requested by another person, (you will be notified via your Essex email if this happens and will be given 7days from the date of the email to return the item)

your account is about to expire, (your course or contract is ending)

or they have been on loan for a year. Books must be returned to the library after a year. Once returned you can choose to re-borrow for another year.

Interlibrary loans will not auto-renew.

You can check when your books are due through the "My account" section of the library homepage, on the self-service machines in the library or by asking staff at the Helpdesk.


Southend: University of Essex books at Southend will automatically renew for you for up to a year unless someone else needs it. If someone else requests the book you have on loan, you will be notified by email and told when to bring it back.

Southend Borough Council or South Essex College books at Southend will not auto renew. If you borrow a book from one of these collections, you can choose to print a receipt at the self-service machine which details the date it is due back, or you can check your account online. Click on my account and enter your library barcode which is your PRID followed by 001 (it may also be on the back of your student card) and PIN number (this could be your date of birth in 6 digit format: DDMMYY). Alternatively, you can go a self-service machine on the ground / 1st floor and check your account details by scanning your card and entering your PIN.

You can check which collection your book belongs to in the library search by searching for title and clicking ‘view availability’ at the bottom of the record. University of Essex books will say: ‘University of Essex- Held at Southend Forum’.


  • Last Updated Aug 22, 2024
  • Views 197
  • Answered By Susannah Wrycraft

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