How can I see an Essex Phd Thesis?
Colchester: The library holds physical copies of theses up to September 2016 which are searchable on the library website. Theses are library use only. If you need to view a thesis, select 'request' on the website listing, and we will have it ready to collect from the Library Helpdesk for you to view in the library. Please allow 24 hours for your request to be processed.
More recent Essex theses can be found on the Essex Repository. EThOS (British Library theses online service) and Proquest dissertation and Theses are also good places to look for non-Essex theses.
Southend: We do not hold physical copies of theses in Southend. You can access some theses online from other institutions via EThOS (British Library theses online service) and Proquest dissertation and Theses.
Loughton: We do not hold physical copies of theses in Loughton. You can access some theses online from other institutions via EThOS (British Library theses online service) and Proquest dissertation and Theses.
PLEASE NOTE- Due to a cyber attack on the British Library, EThOS (Electronic Theses Online Service) is currently unavailable. They are working to restore the service. In the meantime, you can search for doctoral theses in the main BL catalogue: or download a copy of the EThOS metadata in spreadsheet format: