Are there computers in the library?


Colchester: Yes, there are PCs in the library spread over all floors, and in the Postgraduate Study room, the Library Learning Room and Lab L on the ground floor. PCs in the Library Learning Room and Lab L can be used when the rooms are not being used for teaching. We also have 96 loanable laptops located in the corridor opposite the Library Learning Room.

There is a screen next to the paternoster lift on the ground floor showing live PC availability in the library. Follow the link below for campus-wide PC availability.

Southend:  Yes, there are PCs in the Open Study Space at the North end of The Forum. There are also Macs at the South end of the building. We also have 36 loanable laptops located opposite the Info Point in the Learning Hub. 

Loughton: Yes, we have 24 desktops which have access to the internet and printing services. We also have 24 loanable laptops.

  • Last Updated Sep 26, 2023
  • Views 135
  • Answered By Susannah Wrycraft

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