What is 'Walk-in access'?


Walk-in access allows non university members access to use some of our e-resources and databases where licenses permit, on specific PCs in the library.

(Users must abide by access rules as per license agreements).

Please Note:

  • Members of the general public have no automatic right to access Library facilities and the Library reserves the right to refuse any or all applications.
  • Walk-in users cannot, under any circumstances, be given remote access rights.
  • Library e-resources are primarily for the use of current members of the University of Essex and at busy times will have priority.
  • Walk-in users may not print from the library machines, however, you may save to a USB drive, as long as the material you save complies with copyright law.

You are permitted to:

  • read an article or book on screen.
  • print a copy of an e-journal article, a chapter of a book, or database search results for personal use.
  • download a copy of an e-journal article, a chapter of a book, or database search results for personal use.

You are not permitted to:

  • use the information retrieved for commercial or business purposes (including student placements)
  • give your username and password to anyone else.
  • download excessive portions* of the resource into your own filespace or other electronic media.
  • pass on information retrieved to an unauthorised user or republish the material in any form.
  • make multiple print or electronic copies of e-journal articles of the material in any form.
  • remove, alter, or obscure any copyright notices or text from any e-journal article.
  • make electronic copies of e-journal articles available through a network or Virtual Learning Environment i.e. MOODLE or the Course Materials Repository, without express permission of the rights holder

* You may not systematically print or download substantial quantities of an e-resource as this violates copyright regulations. As a guideline, you may print or download one chapter from a book (provided it does not exceed 5% of the complete work) or one journal article from one issue for personal non-commercial use. Many publishers and vendors have the capability to monitor excessive downloading and will contact us if they suspect an abuse by a registered user. The University monitors access to external e-resources to prevent or detect crime (see Guideline 4 of the 'Guidelines for Use of IT Facilities').

Colchester: To be given walk-in access, please bring two forms of valid ID (Driving License, Passport, etc.). Speak to staff at the Library Helpdesk on the ground floor and they will ask you to fill in a form. You can then access the databases on the Quick Access PCs in the ground floor foyer.

Southend: To access e-resources, you will need to ask the staff on the Ground Floor to see the University Librarian. We will then ask you to fill in a form. You can then access the databases using the public library computers on the 1st floor of The Forum. Access to the 2nd Floor of The Forum is not available to members of the public.

Loughton: Unavailable.

  • Last Updated Aug 11, 2021
  • Views 1784
  • Answered By Sarah Boateng

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