How do I check a book out?


Colchester/ Loughton: You can check a book out using the self-service kiosks. You will need your student/staff card to borrow books.

Select "borrow" on the touchscreen

Scan your student/staff card on the contactless point.

Place the books to be borrowed on the book reader under the screen. Each book should now appear on the screen with a green tick and a due date next to it,

Select "finish". You will be sent an email receipt. 

If you experience any problems please just ask at the Helpdesk.


Southend: You can check a book out using the self-service machines. These are on the Ground and 1st Floor of the library.

1. Select Borrow

2. Scan the FRONT of your card in the card reader (students starting University before October 2024 may have an additional barcode on the back of their card- this is now obsolete).

3. Enter your PIN which is usually your date of birth, 6 digits (you will need to set this up if you have not used the library before - see the 'How do I set up my library account at Southend' FAQ for more details)

4. Place your books on the book reader (below the screen)

5. Press finished. If you need help, please ask at the helpdesk on the ground floor of The Forum


  • Last Updated Sep 16, 2024
  • Views 151
  • Answered By Susannah Wrycraft

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