Does the University subscribe to NHS Athens?


Athens is not a database, it is an authentication system used by the NHS and many other institutions to login to content - it does not grant access to any journals or other content - it is simply a method of signing into resources an organisation already subscribes to. At Essex, we do not use Athens to authenticate student logins we use an alternate system called Shibboleth. 

If you are a HSC student you may get access to NHS resources while you are on placement. To find out more about how to set up an account while on placement visit the NICE website. We are not as a university able to replicate the exact content access you would get through the NHS via 'NHS OpenAthens' as this package is for NHS organisations only. We do however subscribe to many of the same databases as the NHS including CINAHL, MedLine, PsycArticles and PsycInfo. We also subscribe to many individual journal titles, including those published by the RCN. You can access these through the library catalogue. 

If while on placement, you find there is a journal or database which is particularly useful that you can access through NHS databases, please get in touch with your subject librarian to suggest a subscription. 


  • Last Updated Sep 16, 2020
  • Views 205
  • Answered By Natalie Percival

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