How do I borrow a laptop?


Loughton / Southend

To borrow a laptop, you will need your Student / Staff ID card.

1. Press Borrow on the screen

2. Scan your student/staff card on the scanner below the screen

3. Read and accept the terms and conditions

4. The screen will tell you which laptop has been assigned and the locker will flash

5. Scan your card on the card reader on the column the laptop is in to release the door

6. Open the locker door, remove the power cord from the back of the laptop, and take out the laptop.

7. Close the locker door firmly

See video in link below



To borrow a laptop, you will need your Student / staff ID card.

1. Scan your card on the card reader below the screen.

2. Read and Accept the Terms and Conditions

3. Press 'Borrow'

4. The screen will tell you which laptop locker to go to and the locker will flash

5. Scan your card on the card reader on the column the laptop is in to release the door

6. Open the locker door, remove the power cord from the back of the laptop, and take out the laptop.

7. Close the locker door firmly

See video in link below

  • Last Updated Sep 10, 2024
  • Views 174
  • Answered By Backup Account

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Comments (2)

  1. do they give out chargers as well
    by sarah on Nov 16, 2022
  2. Hello Sarah, Thanks for your question. Loughton laptop lockers all come with a charger. We're currently running a trial at Colchester and Southend, if you select a 6-hour loan, there will be a charger in the locker along with the laptop that you can use. This trial will run until then end of December, more information and an opportunity to submit feedback can be found on our laptop loans page:
    by Kirstie on Nov 16, 2022