When do reading lists need to be published by?


The library sets two deadlines for reading lists to be updated and published for each academic year. These deadlines give the library enough time to review reading lists and resource them appropriately, as well as communicating issues to module supervisors.

The library guarantees that all reading lists submitted by the relevant deadline will be fully resourced by the start date of the corresponding term. Reading lists submitted after the deadline will still be resourced where budget allows, but we cannot guarantee the resources will be available in time. 

For modules taught in the Autumn term or across the whole year, the deadline is the 31st July

For modules taught in the Spring or Summer terms, the deadline is the 31st October

The two deadlines apply to the upcoming academic year - for example, reading lists for modules taught in the 2024/25 academic year need to be submitted by 31st July 2024, or 31st October 2024, depending on the terms they will be taught in, and so on. 

If you are concerned about updating and publishing a reading list before the deadline, please contact us at libline@essex.ac.uk to discuss.

  • Last Updated Nov 01, 2024
  • Views 215
  • Answered By

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