I've lost my original thesis, can you send me a digital copy?
If your thesis is currently only available in print and we hold the hard copy in our collection, we are able to make a digital copy of your own work which you could download from our institutional repository (please note we are unable to digitse the work of others as permission is required).
We would like to add the digital version of your thesis to our institutional repository, meaning that your thesis would be available online for other researchers to find, read, and use. Once your thesis is available via the repository, it will also be added to EThOS, the British Library’s national thesis service which aims to maximise the visibility and availability of the UK’s doctoral research theses.
It can take a minimum of four weeks for your digitised thesis to appear in the repository, due to the time consuming nature of scanning each individual page. Please be aware that this can take longer during busier times of the year, but every effort will be made to complete the scan as soon as possible.
For us to digitise your thesis you will need to agree to having it added to the institutional repository and EThOS, and have read the Thesis Deposit Agreement attached.
If you are happy with this please contact us at libline@essex.ac.uk to make your request.
Please note that due to the recent cyber attack the British Library EThOS website is currently unavailable. Please go to the main British Library page for further details.