Why do I get a Stale Request error message?


This error usually happens when you:

  • Press the back button after logging into a resource
  • Open multiple links to library resources in new browser tabs without signing in to any of them
  • Bookmark the login form instead of the website you wanted
  • You did not sign in within five minutes of the login page loading
  • Your browser is preventing cookies for this site (such as a 3rd party add-on)
  • Your computer is filtering traffic for this site (such as anti-virus software)
  • Your traffic for this site is being filtered by a filter or proxy on your network (such as you IT department when on campus)


The page looks like this:

Stale request browser image  


To solve this error:

  1. Return to the page on which you originally found the link to the e-resource,
  2. Click to access it again
  3. Fully complete the login process to proceed.

Login screen

If you find that you get this error message and you have not pressed the back button on your browser from the log in page and starting the log in process again does not solve it please contact us.

  • Last Updated Sep 13, 2021
  • Views 2034
  • Answered By Adam Cowlin

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