How can I access newspapers?


The Library provides access to the current and recent issues of a range of UK and international newspapers via PressReader.

We also have access to NEXIS Advance UK, a full-text database of around 2,000 news publications worldwide, from the early 1980s to the present day.

If you are looking for older/historical newspapers, you can use one or more of the following library databases:

  • Proquest Historical Newspapers – includes access to The Guardian, The New York Times, The Washington Post, LA Times and the whole of the Historical Black Newspapers collection (US African American newspapers).
  • Gale Primary Sources – includes access to The Times, The Independent, The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Financial Times, The Economist and the whole of the British Library Newspapers collection (UK local/regional newspapers).
  • UK Press Online – includes access to The Daily Mirror, The Daily Express, The Daily Star and The South Eastern Gazette.

A number of open access historical newspaper archives are also available, such as Trove Newspapers (Australia), Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira (Brazil) and NewspaperSG (Singapore).

You can find links to all of the resources above, and more, on the News Sources page of the History subject guide.

Unfortunately the library is not able to provide full-text access to the British Newspaper Archive, as an institutional subscription option is currently unavailable. However, this resource is available from within Essex Public Libraries and British Library buildings.


  • Last Updated Nov 30, 2022
  • Views 396
  • Answered By Backup Account

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