What access do I have as SU staff?


As a member of staff at the Students' Union, you can sign up for a library account which will allow you to borrow 5 physical books from the main collection at the Colchester campus library (excluding the Student Collection on Floor 1).

To sign up for an account, please fill in the form below and return it to the Helpdesk along with 2 forms of ID:

- One photo ID

- One proof of address

We will also need an email or letter from the SU HR to confirm that you are a current member of staff.

Library staff will make you a library card which will allow you to borrow books using the self-issue machines.

Please note, this membership does not give remote access to our online resources. Please see our FAQ on Walk in access if you would like to use e-resources while visiting the library building



  • Last Updated Sep 15, 2024
  • Views 96
  • Answered By Backup Account

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