What are the Study Pods and how do I use them?



Our 'Individual Study Pods' at our Colchester library can be located on both sides of Floor 2. There are currently 8 pods available in total (3 in the South wing and 5 in the North wing).

Pod Facilities

These are suitable for individual study, and particularly ideal for users who wish to attend a Zoom lecture, online class or study skills session. Each pod has its own lighting system which can be dimmed or brightened, an air filter which can be adjusted, 1 mains plug socket and 2 USB ports.  Bring your own device to use in the pod or borrow one of our laptops from our Laptop Loans service available in the Library Reading Room on the ground floor.

The pods have sound muffling to reduce noise but are not entirely soundproofed, so headphones/earbuds are recommended.

There is a small step to enter the pod, and the desks are height adjustable.

Frequently touched surfaces within the pod have been covered with a very thin nano-coating protection, which breaks down viruses, bacteria and other organic pollutants. 

dials for adjusting the air conditioning and lighting plugs inside the hush pods
Dials for adjusting air con and lighting Plugs for mains and USB
individual study pods
Study pods on Floor 2 North



The Study Pods are available for students and staff to use via the online booking system.

Please note: pods must be booked in advance and are not available for booking same day. These spaces are available first-come-first-served if there is no booking on the day - please check the calendar outside of the pod.


Terms & Conditions

  1. Bookings can be made for Individual Study Pods between 9am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. Outside of these times the pods are available on a first-come-first-served basis. 

  2. You can book up to 3 hours per day in total. Multiple bookings across a single day are permitted (up to the three hour limit).

  3. Pods are in high demand so we recommend booking ahead where possible. Bookings can be made up to two weeks in advance.

  4. When using a pod, you agree to behave appropriately according to the designated zone in which it is located. For example, this includes adhering to rules relating eating, drinking, smoking/vaping, noise etc.

  5. Pods should be used for study purposes only.

  6. No more than one person should be using a pod at any one time. 

  7. Please leave the pods clean and tidy, taking all belongings with you. Unattended property may be removed.

  8. In the event of a fire alarm, evacuate the pod immediately and safely exit the building.

  9. Children (under 16) should not accompany you whilst studying in the library.

  10. If you make a booking but change your mind or no longer require use of a pod, please cancel you booking online or by contacting us.

  11. Please report any faults in the study pod to the Library Helpdesk on the ground floor.

  12. An accurate Essex email address is required to book a pod. Bookings should not be made on behalf of others. 

  13. Booking are subject to fair use and adherence to these Terms and Conditions. Library staff retain the right to cancel bookings or bar users making future bookings if they are deemed to be in violation of these terms and conditions. 


Loughton: Our Quiet Pod is located with the Library and IT Centre on the Loughton campus. For more information on how to use and book the pod please see our Loughton Pod FAQ

Southend: The pods in Southend are not bookable and are available for use on a first come first served basis.



If you would like to give us some feedback on our pods or booking system please complete our feedback form

  • Last Updated Oct 21, 2024
  • Views 15461
  • Answered By Backup Account

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