How can I reserve a book or use the shelf retrieval service at Southend?


You can ask for books to be fetched from the shelves for you at Southend and you will be emailed when they are ready to collect from the ground floor of the Forum.

  1. Go to the Southend Search
  2. Login to your account (If you have not already done so, you will need to set up a PIN to be able to do this. Instructions for setting up a personal PIN are here)
  3. Search for the book you want to borrow
  4. When you have found the book, click ‘Place reservation’ which is to the right of the title
  5. You will be taken to a short form asking for more information and once this is submitted your request will be sent to the library
  6. Wait for the email confirming your book is read to collect before attending the library
  • Last Updated Feb 09, 2022
  • Views 253
  • Answered By Natalie Percival

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